

Import pull requests from generated projects into their template.

Command-line arguments specify pull requests to import, by number or by branch. Alternatively, select pull requests by specifying the user that opened them, via the –user option. Use the –all option to import all open pull requests in the generated project.

Use the –repository option to specify the GitHub repository of the generated project from which the pull requests should be imported. Provide the full name of the repository on GitHub in the form owner/name. The owner can be omitted if the repository is owned by the authenticated user. This option can be omitted when the command is invoked from a local clone.

Update previously imported pull requests by specifying –force. By default, this program refuses to overwrite existing pull requests.

The program needs a personal access token (PAT) to access the GitHub API, and prompts for the token when invoked for the first time. Subsequent invocations read the token from the application cache. Alternatively, you can specify the token using the –token option or the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable; both of these methods bypass the cache.

retrocookie-pr [OPTIONS] pull-request


-R, --repository <repository>

GitHub repository containing the pull requests.

--token <token>

GitHub token

-u, --user <user>

Import pull requests opened by this GitHub user.


Import all pull requests.


Overwrite existing pull requests.

-k, --keep-going

Keep going when some pull requests cannot be imported.


View imported pull requests in a web browser.


Print tracebacks for all errors.


Show the version and exit.



Optional argument(s)

Environment variables


Provide a default for --token